Sixth day TAR: The day of (beautiful) suffering

Today was the day of beautiful sufferings. 🙁 🙂

Day 6 of TAR showed us that this is a multi-stage run with several challenges. Many people were suffering and many teams had problems today – even very good runners failed this stage and had to cancel the race.

Even if we had some minor or medium problems also (stomach, muscles, feet, …) we are still doing very well and a very good job together as team! We are very sure that we will reach Latsch in two days.

The trails today led us through beautiful sceneries again, even it was raining sometimes. The path through a canyon with some waterfalls was really amazing and the trail on top of the mountains gave us incredible views again.

I had very much fun with taking countless photos, making movies with the GOPRO-cam for the movie team – and running fast through the trails after that to catch my team again. 🙂

We are very happy to be in Italy after the days in beautiful but very expensive Switzerland (where we paid 15-20 Euro for a pizza…). Mals is a beautiful small town and we are sleeping in a hotel directly in the city. And the best: The hotel has its own cafe and gelateria. So we relaxed in the sun with ice cream and a latte macciato already.

After the finish we had the „traditional“ recovery also, of course (weizenbier, several pieces of cake, nuts, …). And through Thomas I got in contact with very kind Tom Nielsen from ECCO who gave me one of the new BIOM trailrunning shoes for testing. They made only approx. 100 pairs of them by hand for testing until they will be official available next year.
I am looking forward for testing – maybe tomorrow if the weather forecast is not too bad.

But now I have to go to the pasta party, the briefing and the massage. What a good end of a very good day. 🙂

One thought on “Sixth day TAR: The day of (beautiful) suffering

  1. Frank Kjerstein

    You and Thomas both look well and strong. And the scenery and food looks enviously phenomenal. Thanks again text updates and photos from each stage, Jens.

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