Running „with joyful steps…“

I am still alive! After two weeks with very much work in the job, an important meeting with a big customer yesterday and of course „some“ last activities and preparations for my marriage in two weeks I will keep you up to date now with a short blog post.

Of course I am not alive only – but still running! „With joyful steps…“
This is the slogan of our marriage: We are going through our life united and „Mit freudigen Schritten…“/“With joyful steps…“
But it is the same currently for me, my training and my anticipation to Transalpine-Run.

I increased the (long) runs last and this week and will reach the 220 kilometres (100 + 120km) tomorrow hopefully. Of course my legs are a little bit tired but I am still having fun and doing very well in general!
Transalpine-Run, I am coming „with joyful steps…“!

Yours, Jens

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