Trailrunning the Appalachian Trail (White Mountains)
During my holidays 2015 in New England I experienced one of the most intensed days of my last years – and after some pondering/reflection I am very impressed (and happy!) about it!
Some short Facebook-postings I did „live“ from the tour already:
- first days: AT2015-1 on Facebook
- second part: AT2015-2 on Facebook
My project „trailrunning the AT in the White Mountains“ was planned and prepared in detail. But this occured at home at the PC – and not in the real mountains inmidst of (wonderful) nature. And all her force and power…
The trails were much, much more tough than expected and the weather crossed my plans several times/made this „journey“ much more harder than expected. I could write countless pages about this, but here some facts in short sentences:
the project 1: „speed hiking“ the Appalachian Trail (AT) from NH-/Maine-stateline to Glencliff
- very tough and technically
- but awesome and gorgeous the same time!
- happy about 10km in 3 hours…
- not running, mostly not even hiking: more jumping over rocks, walking through mud, steadily up and down
- different than planned, so „accept, breathe, relax“ and then: enjoy!
- „enforced“ to relaxation – enjoy the moment
- incredible wonderful nature
- fighting the rain, storm and cold – enjoying the sun the other day
- making borderline experiences in heavy weather near Mt. Washington: increasing respect for power of nature
- far away from civilization: 5 days no shower, only cold water, spare electricity to recharge the phone, rare cell connections, no supermarket, everything in the huts must be carried by people upwards (and downwards), no garbage can (carrying garbage for all days with me)
- back to basics, what do you really need in life/for living???
- with only minimized equipment you need very professional stuff you can 100% rely on (as „usual“ but regularly impressed again: THX to PearlIzumi!)
- meeting incredible kind people (AMC-staff/crews of Huts, other hikers)
- paradise with shower in the garden, garbage cans, electricity, …
- meeting other hikers at hostel and seeing that my experiences are so small in comparison
- but: „I did it“! Ending in Glencliff after approx. 120 miles in 5 days.
Second part of the project
Another important part of all these experiences became one week later the „project 2“: hiking for 3 days together with my wife on one shorter section of „my“ Appalachian Trail (in opposite direction). And (as it could not better be planned): Exactly this part which I had to skip due to the weather conditions my week before. And now I were able to enjoy this with Rabea in beautiful sun!
We had a gorgeous hike together – seeing again some of the people I met the week before, enjoying the trails and Lake of the Clouds Hut in a total different view, meeting new wonderful people, had to fight „a little bit“ the weather with heavy rain, fog and strong winds on last summit also – but had incredible wonderful days together in the White Mountains. WHAT A HAPPY END! 🙂
I am deeply thankful for these indescribably experiences, all the impressions of wonderful nature and meeting so many kind and interesting people! THANK YOU…
Die Ausstattung (Speedhiking, minimalized)
PearlIzumi TRAIL N1
- PearlIzumi UltraShorts (2*)
- PearlIzumi Tights 3/4
- PearlIzumi Shirt kurz („Wettkampf“/Tour)
- PearlIzumi Shirt kurz („Run like an animal“/abends)
- PearlIzumi Shirt Langarm
- PearlIzumi BaseLayer sleveless
- PearlIzumi BaseLayer
- PearlIzumi BaseLayer langarm/Thermo
- PearlIzumi Ultra-Regenjacke grün (superleicht)
- PearlIzumi Ultra-Windweise schwarz (superleicht)
- PearlIzumi Trail-Socken (2*)
- PearlIzumi Mütze
- Handschuhe „Trailrun Worldmasters“, Dortmund
- Kompressions-Socken o-motion
- LUNA-Sandals (abends/Backup)
- Komperdell „Carbon Ultralite Vario 4 Compact“
- Garmin fenix3
- Garmin VIRB
- LUPINE Piko Duo
- Akku-Charger
- Handy: Navigation/Karten digital, GPS-kalibriert/Fotos, Notfall (inkl. Ersatzakku)
- Ladekabel, Adapter USA
- Perso, VISA-Karte, Bargeld
- Notfall-Telefonnummern auf Zette
- Karten Papier
- Hüttenschlafsack
- Erste-Hilfe-Pack
- Ohropax
- Zahnbürste
- Duschgel Mini
- Sonnencreme Mini-Tütchen
- Gels/RiegelTaschenmesser
- Kugelschreiber
- Plastiktüten leer
- Rucksack ULTIMATE DIRECTION Fastpack 20 (20 Liter, gesamt ca. 7kg)