Due to some organizational problems I unfortunately missed my scheduled flight for this afternoon. But I found another solution (thanks to great team partner Franky who will pick me up at Munich airport even late in the evening…)! Sometimes „happy steps“ move to some kind of „harder steps“ but I am looking so forward to …
Kategorie: Transalpine-Run 2011
I am still running – straight to TAR! 🙂 On Saturday morning I went out for my last long(er) training run before TAR. During my 41km-run I followed the „Ruhrklippen-Trail“ of the Trailrun-Worldmasters 2010 in Dortmund and some parts of the hiking-path „Rund um Dortmund“. Started with some clouds and minor rain the sun came …
I am still alive! After two weeks with very much work in the job, an important meeting with a big customer yesterday and of course „some“ last activities and preparations for my marriage in two weeks I will keep you up to date now with a short blog post. Of course I am not alive …
Am Sonntag 7.8.11 war ich mal wider bei meinem Schwager auf der Schwäbischen Alb. Nachdem ich ihm soviel vom Trailcamp in den Dolomiten erzählt habe, war er richtig heiß, auch mal wieder zu laufen. Also machten wir uns am Sonntag morgen auf- ein paar Trails zu erkunden. Insgesamt kamen wir auf ca. 14 km und …
Of course I was aware of the possibility to find a team partner and to start with the Transalpine-run when I was chosen for the trailrun-camp in the Dolomites. But there was still no decision for this – too big was the respect for this very special and one of the hardest trailrunning events. I …